A Top Tier Box-set.

Big Finish is a company that has provided us fans with excellent audio drama ever since its inception in 1996. Well known for its original dramas, it is also known for its stories in the Whoniverse (Doctor Who; Torchwood; The Sarah Jane Adventures; Class and so much more), The Universe of Gerry Anderson; Sherlock Holmes and so so much more.
I have been a massive fan of Big Finish for years now, in particular their new-who Doctor Who releases. One ongoing release that I have been a big fan of is The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles Range, most recently with The 11th Doctor and his new companion Valarie Lockwood. The 11th Doctor is one of my all time favorites so you can see why i am a fan of this set, he is played wonderfully by Jacob Dudman with Valerie Lockwood played by the incredible Safiyya Ingar. So far these adventures have consisted of the following 3 episode box-sets:
The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Geronimo
The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: All of Time and Space
The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Broken Hearts (Single Story set)

And earlier in December we were treated to the penultimate installment of The Doctor and Valerie's adventures… The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Everywhere and Anywhere. A box-set I consider to be one of Big Finish’s all time best.

Now before we go any further i will warn you, i will delve into spoilers at certain points if i have too, i’m going to try my best not too but i must stress, if you haven't listened to these box-sets please go and get them if you can. This isn’t an ad, it's not sponsored, I just genuinely consider them to be incredible and I think you will too.
Before I talk about the box-set let's give new listeners some brief context. These sets take place shortly after the events of Series 7’s The Snowmen (A personal favorite episode of mine), The Doctor is off looking for Clara Oswald where he encounters the fierce Valarie Lockwood. Valarie is fierce, determined, brave and above all. Kind. Valarie is also now one of my favorite companions. Soon enough they decide to travel the universe to find Clara together.
When we see them in this box set they have to battle with Clara, but possibly not who they are looking for, Chicago in 1893 and the Cybermen. The Three Episodes are as follows:
Episode 1 - Spirit of the Season Written by Georgia Cook
Episode 2 - All’s Fair Written By Max Kashevsky
Episode 3 - Sins of the Flesh Written by Alfie Shaw (Also the series producer)
These three stories are incredible.
Starting with Spirit of the Season, The Doctor and Valarie find themselves in a spooky mansion where they are being held by a young girl called Clara, who also wants to kill them. They also encounter characters Harpreet and Edmund. What follows is a tale that is both haunting and heartbreaking. Writer Georgia Cook beautifully sets up the first half of the story, setting up the premise whilst also giving us time to know and care for the characters, then in the second half the story goes much darker tonally, yet due to the care and time of the first half, it feels right and earned. Safiyya Ingar absolutely shines as Valarie both in this box set and story. Their performance alongside Cook’s writing gives us some of the best big finish drama we have ever had and it never oversteps its boundaries. Without going into spoilers they make sure every detail is treated right and with the utmost respect.
Next up we have All’s Fair by Max Kashevsky. A story that see’s Valarie and returning character Roanna go on what is, quite simply, the worst first date anyone could ever have. Taking place at the Chicago World fair in 1893, Kashevsky throws you a spanner in the works before the pre-titles have even begun with the episode then going through the repercussions of that and it's beautiful. Max Kashevsky beautifully weaves together a story that's heartfelt and emotional whilst also setting up for future installments. The episode becomes one of the most important in the entire series due to the moments and events it helps set up for in episodes yet to come. The cast on all fronts are amazing but in particular Jacob Dudman and Safiyya Ingar as The Doctor and Valarie. In particular a scene towards the end. Again without spoiling Kashevsky writes a beautifully delicate scene that Jacob and Safiyya perform with such ease, enormous amount of emotion and is just downright beautiful. It's a true powerhouse. It made me cry whilst waiting to pick up my breakfast in a Leon. (Seriously i had to tell the person making my coffee that i was in fact ok and was crying at Doctor Who… Story of my Life).
The Last Story of the Boxset is Sins of the Flesh Written by Alfie Shaw (Who is also the producer of the series). From the moment the story starts you see that Shaw is not holding back. It shows The Doctor and Valarie trying to put a stop to the Cybermen who are using conversion therapy as a means to convert more Cybermen. As you can see, this is a delicate subject matter. Shaw doesn't shy away from watering down the dangers and horrors of this, he wants to send a message and highlight how important this issue is in real life, it just so happens he is using Doctor Who to do that. Yet it reminds us that's what Doctor Who has often done, it highlights issues that need to be highlighted, that need to be spoken about, that are important. Alongside all of this, Shaw is also able to incorporate the series arc, weaving in plot points at the exact right time without taking away from the subject matter itself and its exemplary. Jacob Dudman as The Doctor gives one of his strongest performances to date and truly shines in this story. Sins of the Flesh is telling an important message and also shows you can do so whilst also telling a fantastic story. It also has some of my favorite pieces of dialogue ever.
The Doctor towards the end of the story comes face to face with a character who simply asks him. ‘What are you here for Doctor?’. The Doctor replies, simple yet perfect ‘To Offer You Hope’. If that doesn't perfectly describe what Doctor Who is about, then I don't know what will.
The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Everywhere and Anywhere is truly a five-star box set that shines in every capacity. Whether that's due to its amazing writers in Georgia Cook; Max Kashevsky and Alife Shaw. Its direction in the form of the amazing Helen Goldwyn or Its heart-pumping music by Borna Matosic. It's also due to its two leads in Jacob Dudman and Safiyya Ingar. This box set truly allows them to show us their abilities as actors and how lucky we are to have them as The Doctor and Valarie. Easily becoming one of my all time favorite Doctor & Companion duos. The next box set ‘Victory of the Doctor’ (Out Feb 2024) is the final set with them as The Doctor and Valarie and quite honestly, I'm gutted. I’m gutted we have to say goodbye but I am so grateful we have had such an amazing duo to take us on this journey.

I honestly cannot recommend this box-set or Big Finish Enough. Alongside this range I have plenty of other favorites you should check out starting with their Dalek Universe Range with The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant). It see’s The Doctor stranded in an era just before the last great time war. Put simply it’s not just some of my favorite stories from Big Finish but some of my favorite Doctor Who Stories period. Now Joined by The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Everywhere and Anywhere.
Have you listened to this box-set? If so what did you think? Let us know in the comments.
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Thanks so much for reading, we will be back very soon,
Until then, Stay Safe, Look After Each Other,
Harry x